Case Study: Enterprise Spatial Data Platform Transformation

As part of the larger Enterprise Spatial Platform, Spatial Vision was able to test and develop the metadata platform Metashare in collaboration with DEECA and CSIRO. The finished platform is a modern metadata portal that will be used by Victorian government stakeholders for years to come.

Permeability Partnership Wins Stormwater Award

A Spatial Vision collaboration with E2Designlab and Hansen Partnership to complete a permeability research project for City of Port Phillip has been ‘Highly Commended’ at Stormwater Victoria‘s Awards for Excellence.

Enhancing Community Resilience to Climate Change

Spatial Vision are working with SECCCA council members and community resilience experts to identify and visualise vulnerable communities and supporting services that are exposed to the impacts of climate change. Learn more.

Case Study: Land Use Analysis and Implementation Support

Spatial Vision developed a contemporary, authoritative government land use dataset to assist government in improved analysis and insight into land use. The solution supports future decision-making with precise, reliable and comprehensive evidence.

Case Study: Hoddle Grid Heritage Review

The City of Melbourne (CoM) engaged Spatial Vision alongside three heritage consultancies (Context, Ochre Imprints, On Country Heritage and Consulting) to provide a comprehensive review of heritage buildings in the Hoddle Grid. Through thematic and spatial analysis, the CoM gained a richer and more nuanced understanding of the cultural heritage that exists throughout the urban landscape of the central city.

Python Whitebox Tools Demo

When talking about 3D data we often think about high end fancy visualizations that give that wow factor where you can barely tell the difference between what is real and what is digital. In the spatial sciences industry we are not normally concerned with the Ultra High Definition graphics, Ray Tracing, and photorealistic texturing; normally we settle for much less because we only need the basics for analysis…

Improving Accessibility of Protected Area Information

The tool aims to assist stakeholders in determining the location of Matters of National and Environmental Significance (MNES), or if other matters protected by the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 are likely to occur in a particular area. Furthermore, the PMST tool is essential to implementing a targeted risk-based approach to compliance and enforcement with the Act.

Monitoring the Metropolitan Development Boom

The area around the Box Hill Railway station has been a major development hub since the early 2000s. While most residents and visitors to the area cannot but help notice that there is a construction boom, data from DELWP’s Housing Development Data project helps to put this in context.