Earth Observation is at the forefront of the transformation and growth in applications of Geospatial Intelligence. Never before have we been so able to detect, map and monitor what is important. For instance, image capture options now include satellites, aerial and RPAs (drones), coupled with intelligence gathering through traditional remote sensing techniques, machine learning, smart algorithms and AI.
Our solutions include providing strategic and advisory services to assist in selecting imagery and sensor resolution, repeat capture cycles and analysis methodologies. We work with you to define your remote sensing requirements and design a program that will deliver Geospatial Intelligence, as well as optimise the return on your investment in image capture and acquisition.
Our modelling and remote sensing expertise includes image analysis undertaken for a broad range of purposes;
- Develop and apply algorithms to assign surface type detection and seasonally based tree cover profiles over many years
- Automate applications of NDVI for ag applications
- Evaluate compliance with federally funded carbon abatement programs
Spatial Vision has delivered significant spatial decision support processes and associated rule-based tools with object based detection. These are available for use in both the desktop and web environment.
Permeability Mapping
Spatial Vision, supporting E2Designlab, investigated and mapped surface permeability of the flood prone Elster Creek catchment on behalf of several inner south-east Melbourne stakeholders (Melbourne Water, City of Glen Eira, City of Kingston, City of Port Phillip and City of Bayside).
The project established a suitable approach for the protection and enhancement of permeability in the Elster Creek catchment. GIS analysis led to creating a fine-grained, parcel scale map of permeability across the catchment and developing suitable land cover layers of up to 7 surface types, along with a uniform vegetation cover.
The outputs from desktop analysis used permeability equivalence as a measure to achieve council stormwater management and climate resilience policy objectives. The project resulted in a rigorous and repeatable methodology to map existing permeability across urban catchments.
Red River Gum Spatial Survey
Mallee Catchment Management Authority commissioned Spatial Vision to conduct a baseline assessment of invasive River Red Gum thickets within the Hattah-Kulkyne National Park and the 12 Ramsar listed lakebeds.
The project objectives included undertaking a Remote Sensing desktop assessment. As a result, the class, density and extent of River Red Gum in the 12 lakes was identified. In addition a summary of outputs and a detailed impact analysis on encroachment was produced.
Underpinning this earth observation project was a GIS Spatial desktop assessment of the current extent and density of River Red Gum encroachment on the lakes within the study area. Initially, using available spatial information including orthorectified aerial photography for the lake’s region, Red Gum regrowth bands were visually identified and delineated within each of the lake beds. With the aerial imagery, a Geographic Object Based Image Analysis was undertaken to classify and polygonise tree canopy cover. These digitised bands and canopy polygons were then combined to determine density cover for each lakebed area.
NSW Forest Extent, Health and Condition
Spatial Vision is currently assisting the NRC in establishing a baseline and trends in forest extent, condition and health within NSW Regional Forest Agreement Areas. Besides collating the data, processes have been developed so this scope of work is extended to the balance of NSW.
This earth observation project assisted the implementation of the NSW Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program Framework 2019-2024. The framework aims to improve the management of NSW forests. Through the provision of relevant and timely information, the needs of decision makers, stakeholders, and the broader community are met.
How we help
Our consulting team brings a wealth of experience in delivering master plans for national and international, government and private sector organisations.
Our consulting, analysis and mapping and solution development services allow us to apply the full capabilities of our geospatial knowledge and experience to complex spatial, environmental and social issues.