A resilient, prosperous farming future
Working with agricultural domain experts and climate consultants, we have developed a deep understanding of how climate change is impacting agricultural production. We help authorities in the sector understand key climate thresholds and production metrics with custom-built visualisation tools. Our team have delivered a range of insights that have facilitated discussion, and have helped frame decisions on agricultural management practices in the face of a uncertain climate future.
“More than 2,000 Land managers have subsequently been engaged to examine how they can adapt their business to counter the impacts of climate change, with [Spatial Vision’s] work providing the foundation. Without it, the conversation would have sunk and as a result, some farmers will not only avoid bankruptcy, but will survive for generations to come.”
Helping councils make sense of the data
Climate data on its own can be complicated, or confusing to understand or use.
Spatial Vision mentors councils in the application of geospatial data and climate change analysis to build internal capacity for climate change readiness and preparedness. We run interactive workshops and mentoring sessions, working through real-world examples so your staff have a strong understanding of the data and its application to council-held asset and community data. This specialised training ensures councils can readily implement and utilise climate data in future projects, for improved planning and decision making.
Consultation and Scoping
Climate change impacts us all differently. A meaningful, collaborative, co-design process with industry, government and community stakeholders is essential. Face-to-face consultations to review requirements, presenting and reviewing designs with frequent demonstrations allow for any developed resources to be benchmarked and rigorously tested against local or domain knowledge in line with best principles.
To understand how your organisation, your assets, infrastructure and key stakeholders could be affected now and into the future, we’ll begin with an open, collaborative robust consultation to define the scope, assess available data, and map out desired outcomes. Our multi-disciplinary and diverse consulting team offers:
- Significant experience in delivering best-practice business requirements, strategies and roadmaps, solution architecture, data quality and data management frameworks
- Substantial knowledge of authoritative data principles
- Proven expertise in delivering clear, concise and informative strategic advice with implementation of climate-driven spatial information capabilities and spatial data infrastructure (SDI)
Data Collation
Collation and standardisation of information is essential for establishing a baseline to support your current and future decisions. This data informs a number of subsequent steps in assessing your risk. Our climate modelling, strategy development and vulnerability assessments encompass variables such as sea-level rise, storm surges, coastal erosion, and extreme weather days analysed.
We work with education, private and government sector organisations, peak industry bodies original custodians and specialist consultants to ensure the foundation information data sources and resulting framework is comprehensive. This includes sourcing climate and climate projection data, thematic natural and man-made spatial data layers, and relevant climate event or event modelling information, to ensure it is suitable in terms of scale, completeness, accuracy and maintenance; and it is fit-for-purpose, supporting the intended application.
Climate Model Evaluation
Identifying the likely impact or vulnerability of a particular environment or asset type requires an acute understanding as to how sensitive that asset or environment is to different levels of change, and whether there are factors such as condition or content that reduce or mitigate the impact of the anticipated change.
For each project, Spatial Vision carefully assesses a variety of climate and meteorological models, including those developed by Commonwealth Scientific Institute Research Organisation (CSIRO) and the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM). We determine which may be most appropriate for and apply one or more with consideration to region, analysis and application, as well as ensuring it is in line with international best practice standards, including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
While we apply a local-centric assessment, our approach has been developed in a way that can be replicated and adapted to suit any environment or industry sector. Use of CSIRO climate change projections to assess climate change impacts helps provide an authoritative, reliable and scientific foundation that isn’t location or sector constrained.
Data Visualisation
We understand the importance of effectively communicating analysis of modelled climate scenarios, predicted modelled impacts to assets or the environment, and overall, to translate the effects and impacts of climate change in a manner that anyone can interpret and understand.
The use of advanced data visualisation tools that embed foundation data, analytics and reporting functionality provide immeasurable advantages. To achieve common understanding and acceptance of our industry, technology and science driven methodology, design of an intuitive and user-friendly data visualisation tool, is critical to avoiding any up-front barriers to use and adoption.
We specialise in dynamic, adaptable, interactive mapping and web-based visualisation solutions which are integral for stakeholder engagement, communications, interpretation, and reporting on the overall impacts of climate change and extreme events.
Vulnerability Assessment
By having a greater understanding of asset vulnerability and potential financial impacts of climate change, our clients will improve their understanding of how climate change is likely to impact and sustainability of key services. With this understanding, stakeholders are better able to quantify and mitigate these risks to the community of anticipated climate change and associated extreme weather events.
Vulnerability assessments incorporate the modelled impacts of extreme events and climate change into a decision-making framework that helps measure and quantify the loss and cost implications associated with key assets and infrastructure.
Our team utilise a variety of analytical tools to assign agreed vulnerability assessment ratings to assets for climate variables such sea level rise or inundation categories. This process generates a standardised report or profile for each asset that provides both absolute asset quantity values and percentage breakdowns for each attribute category.
We work with you to develop a suitable reporting and communications strategy to ensure key concepts, issues, and outputs are presented and reported in a manner that is open, transparent and effective.
In addition, we deliver staged mapping outputs at all phases of a project as a reporting mechanism, and to illustrate scenarios that help stakeholders to understand predicted future states. Our approach to reporting and engagement aims to achieve the following:
- Increased capacity for key project stakeholders including Government, communities and councils to adapt to significant changes in regional climatic conditions.
- Improved knowledge, skills and awareness of activities to assist stakeholders to adapt to changing climates.
- Increased knowledge and awareness of climate change scenarios and effects on communities and enterprises in the region.
- The ability of land managers and councils to have regional specific climatic data available to support strategic planning.
Mentoring and Support
Our solutions not only raise awareness of local climate change impacts, how to monitor and evaluate the impacts over the long term but also to support understanding how their strategy and investment are aiding adaptation to climate change over time.
It is therefore important to us that your organisation are confident and comfortable in utilising the climate modelling information, tools and processes we develop. Our tailored mentoring and support services are a key part of achieving this and may include:
- Live, on-site training and support for operating teams
- Workshops and presentations for key stakeholders and users
- Resources and guiding documentation
This component of our service is essential for guiding understanding, ownership and adoption of spatially-driven climate modelling solutions to ensure key insights into likely impacts, vulnerability, social, environmental and financial risk implications can be derived.