Spatial Vision Celebrates 20 Years of Making a Difference

Spatial Vision has been making a difference for 20 years. This difference covers many aspects of our natural and built worlds – from awareness and decisions on issues covering bushfires, climate change, biodiversity, education services, water delivery, sustainable fisheries, through to social equity and citizen engagement.

How Do Water Authorities Use GIS?

Water is a precious and increasingly contentious resource. When we run our taps or water our gardens, we’re largely oblivious to the strategy, politics and data that goes into water policy in Australia.

Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) are widely used by the water industry for decision making and planning, management and reporting.

Field Maps and STAR: Victorian Biodiversity (Offline) Mobile Data Capture

The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) engaged Spatial Vision to produce a mobile application in Esri Collector for ArcGIS to be the field data capture tool for the DELWP web mapping application STAR.

GIS In The Water Industry

“Location” is crucial information for the water industry to not only enable the visualisation of assets and infrastructure, but also to report on water main breaks, customer complaints, asset condition, work orders, field operations, new property developments, and other customer service areas.

Hunting Dataset Development Project Wins Award

Our recent work on the SHAP Hunting Area Dataset Development project, in conjunction with the Victorian Department of Environment, Land Water and Planning has been recognised at the APSEA Awards dinner in Melbourne

Invest in Victorian Agriculture Website Launched

The Invest in Victorian Agriculture website was built to support the growth of Victoria’s agri-food sector.

Shadeways – Thermal Comfort Model

Shadeways is a new program that takes into account weather conditions, time of day and tree canopy to find the most optimal route for thermal comfort unlike current navigation apps like Google Maps.

Spatial Vision and Women’s Health Victoria Partnership

Spatial Vision is proud to announce a formal partnership with Women’s Health Victoria (WHV).

2018 Water Industry GIS Capabilities Survey

Spatial Vision is conducting the 2018 Water Industry GIS Capabilities survey.

Our Climate Change Declaration

We believe the time has come to more formally communicate our company’s commitment to address the challenges of human-induced climate change.