Pacific Islands facing harsh impacts of climate change

Spatial Vision is supporting the Pacific Island region in building their climate impact resilience.

Shaping Fiji’s Future Geospatial Capability

Through Spatial Vision’s 2023 Pacific Geospatial Skills Development Program, evidence was sought to support Fiji’s need to enhance their overall geospatial capability to guide development of critical spatial infrastructure, upskill resources, shape policy and provide detailed investment roadmaps.

Building Resilience in the Pacific

Climate change threatens the economic, social and environmental stability of Pacific Islands. Spatial Vision can help create geospatial frameworks, develop critical skills, improve understanding and implement evidence-based policies, strategies and roadmaps to support sustainable development across the Pacific.

Case Study: Saudi Geological Survey

Spatial Vision, working as part of a consortium, supported the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) to develop a procurement strategy and an understanding of the Saudi Geological Survey’s requirements for KSA’s National Geological Database.

Case Study: Consulting Services for General Authority for Surveying and Geospatial Information Master Plan

Spatial Vision developed a Master Plan to define the activities necessary for GASGI to fulfill its responsibilities to deliver an effective and competitive geospatial sector within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Spatial Vision Expands Strategic Advisory Team

Spatial Vision’s Strategic Advisory team has been bolstered by the appointment of two highly accomplished senior consultants with a combined experience spanning almost 40 years.

Digital Earth in a Transformed Society

What is a Digital Earth? According to the International Journal of Digital Earth, the term refers to “…a virtual representation of the planet, encompassing all its systems and forms, both natural environment and human societies, manifested as a multi-dimensional, multi-scale, multi-temporal, and multi-layer information facility.
“I believe we need a ‘Digital Earth’. A multi-resolution, three-dimensional representation of the planet, into which we can embed vast quantities of geo-referenced data” —Al Gore, 1998 (speech)

Spatial Vision Wins Environmental and Sustainability and Export Awards at APSEA VIC

On 18-21 June, Dr Zaffar Sadiq Mohamed-Ghouse, Executive Director – Strategic Consulting & International Relations joined global leaders in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for the fourth United Nations Expert Consultations and Meetings on the Development of the Implementation Guide of the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF).

The UN World Geospatial Information Congress

I had the pleasure of attending the inaugural UN World Geospatial Information Congress earlier in November, along with new SV staff member, Zaffar Mohamed-Ghouse. I was there as a representative of both Spatial Vision and in my capacity of a Director of SIBA|GITA. Zaffar likewise was representing SV’s new Strategic Consulting area, and in his capacity as a President of SSSI.