Helping Chinese Tourists Find Their Way

An Australian-made Chinese language Map of Australia has been released. Spatial Vision launched the new map, the first produced in Australia, at the International Map Industry Association Asia Pacific Conference being held this week in Melbourne. Mr Yumin Song, China’s Consul-General to Melbourne, was formally presented with the first of the new maps at the Conference opening.

“I feel uniquely honoured to be presented with this map,” said Mr. Song. “As the first Chinese language map made in Australia, it has great significance. I personally appreciate this innovative and concrete move to help further accommodate Chinese tourists.”

“The cooperation of our tourism industries has become an essential part of the bilateral relations of China and Australia and I find it inspiring, looking to the future, to think of the continued impact tourism will make on these relations.”

Mr. Song said that in 2014, the number of outbound Chinese tourists is estimated to exceed over 100 million, a number which is forecasted to rise to 400 million over the next five years.

Mr. Song said this growth represented a great opportunity for Australia’s tourism industry.

Leigh Harry, the Chief Executive of Tourism Victoria, who also attended the Conference opening, reinforced the significance of Chinese tourism to Victoria.

“I’m proud to say that Victoria was the first Australian state to open an office for tourism in China, back in 1999, recognising how important Chinese tourism could be. In December 2011, visitation from China in Victoria surpassed visitation from New Zealand, the largest source of tourism at the time.”

“The amount of money Chinese visitors are spending in Melbourne and Victoria surpasses the next three countries aggregated together. China is a critical tourist market for Victoria.”

“An Australian-made Chinese language map is another step forward for Victoria’s tourism industry and I congratulate Spatial Vision for creating it.”

Spatial Vision was assisted by the Confucius Centre at La Trobe University, to confirm the translation of Australian place names.

Glenn Cockerton, Spatial Vision’s Managing Director, said “18 months ago, Spatial Vision identified an absence of Chinese language maps that could be used by tourists, businesses and Governments alike.   We are very pleased to release this map and support the development of Australia’s tourism industry.”

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