Spatial Vision supports the Paris Agreement’s aim to substantially reduce global greenhouse gas emissions to limit global warming in this century to 2 degrees Celsius compared to preindustrial levels (ideally 1.5 degrees).
Climate change is major societal issue that we believe all levels of government, businesses and people must accept responsibility for, and take action to address.
As an organisation, Spatial Vision accepts its responsibility in addressing climate change, and contributing to a sustainable future.
We stand by the scientific consensus that human activities are the primary cause of the observed climate-warming trend over the past century. We are therefore committed to addressing the challenges of human-induced climate change across our operations, service delivery, and partnerships.
In taking the actions outlined in this statement, we are committing to playing our part in achieving a sustainable future.
Spatial Vision is certified as a Carbon Neutral organisation under the Federal Government’s Climate Active certification scheme. The scheme requires us to measure our carbon emissions each year. These emissions are then offset (via an approved scheme) resulting in Spatial Vision being a net zero carbon emitter.
We are committed to minimising our own impact through reducing emissions from our operations. We are taking action by:
Our commitment is demonstrated by our independent investment in resources, knowledge and services to support sustainable outcomes. These investments include our work in:
We actively engage in and seek out projects supporting mitigation and adaptation initiatives, and efforts to promote improved understanding of the impacts and risks associated with climate change.
Significantly, Spatial Vision does not accept service contracts that contribute to misleading information about climate science, or significantly facilitate increases in greenhouse emissions.
As an organisation, we are committed to doing our part for the planet. However, we recognise that change cannot come from any one organisation. We believe partnership and collaboration represent the greatest opportunity to address climate change and its impacts.
With this in mind, we are: