Understanding ABS Geographies

The first data from the 2016 Census has just been released so it’s important to take time to understand the different geographies used by Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and what data is being released for each of them.

Metes and Bounds

Spatial Vision recently completed a project for the Electoral Commission of Queensland preparing a series of maps for new electoral district boundaries.

2026 Spatial Industry Transformation and Growth Agenda

The 2026Agenda and Road Map was released at the very successful joint ISDE International Symposium/Locate 17 Conference in Sydney last month.

Inspired, Motivated and Scientifically Engaged Communities

Late 2016 the Commonwealth Government advised it was releasing more funding under the Inspiring Australia – Science Engagement Program which aims to contribute to the broader goals of science engagement in Australia.

Vicmap Books

Recently Spatial Vision’s VicMap Book team, toured the books printing, binding and distribution sites to see the latest Victorian made VicMap books being produced first hand.

Location Aware Technology

You can provide a physical world contextual experience to your customers, create a more safer work place, provide an innovative and effective accessibility options for visually impaired – some of the benefits for making your mobile apps location aware.

Don’t Forget Your Map and Compass

You would think that there are no excuse for people getting lost these days with smart phones, GPS and map apps, but they do.

Addressing critical issues with digital technology

Safeguarding humpbacks whales against migratory interference. Shutting down illegal trash dumping through the identification of problem areas. Interactive biodiversity education tools for Victoria’s classrooms.

What Makes a City Smart is People

There are many definitions of Smart Cities and examples of what they can achieve. However, it would appear that there is no cogent model or framework to define them let alone measure their success.

It All Starts With An Address

Call triple zero; you expect the ambulance to get there promptly. Move into a new house; you expect to be able to get connected to gas and electricity etc.