Did you know Australia sits on one of the fastest moving tectonic plates, moving at about 7cm per year, or approximately 1.96 metres since 1994?
It may not seem a lot to worry about, however the repercussions are highly significant in terms of using equipment that relies on accurate positioning data (linked to satellite navigation), e.g. devices such as mobile phones and in-vehicle navigation.
Commencing in January 2000, GDA94 was adopted as the national geodetic datum in response to a desire for the locations of mapped features to align with the geocentric reference used by GPS receivers. The accuracy of most GPS devices at the time was to approximately 10 metres.
Image from icsm.gov.au
Some twenty years later, it is time to update the national geodetic reference system again. GDA2020 reflects the latest changes to the system that underlies Australia’s location information. The GDA2020 datum changes will bring Australia’s national latitude and longitude coordinates into line with global satellite positioning systems, enabling smartphones and other positioning technologies to accurately locate features marked on our maps. It will ensure Australians continue to have access to the most accurate location-based information routinely achievable and hence, a more efficient and confident exchange of spatial information between digital systems that meets the requirements of the digital age.
Adoption of the new GDA2020 datum will require some effort by all business, industry and government agencies with an investment in spatial data, systems and processes. Areas of work controlled by regulation, such as surveys or spatial data capture under Government contract are obliged to adopt GDA2020.
Other organisations utilising spatial information should already be considering, if not already completed, their plans to changes in data, systems and practices to support the adoption of the new datum.
But what does switching from the GDA 1994 Datum to the GDA 2020 Datum entail? Is it as simple as running a projection script or is it a Bermuda Triangle that Data Engineers and GIS Analysts can get lost within?
Video from Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping. For further information on the Geocentric Datum of Australia, please visit the Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping website.
Unless you have a well-documented log of all datasets it can be a Bermuda Triangle. Assessing what datasets you have and documenting the metadata about each of them can be a laborious task. Once you have this information, you then need to work out which dataset to project (transform), where to place the output, if the name needs to be changed (did it have GDA94 in the name?). The data is the easy bit. You then need to consider the project files, webservices etc that were linked to those original datasets.
Spatial Vision has been working with a range of clients to support them through their data transformation. We have created tools and processes to document and categorize datasets in preparation for a GDA94 to GDA2020 migration.
Our automated processes are able to go through your systems and determine:
- What data is there
- It’s metadata (including projection and datum information)
- Output a report about the status of all datasets
Once this report is produced it can be used to assist automating the data transformation process which includes transforming from its specific GDA94 projection into its sister GDA2020 projection. Its use does not stop there; it can be used to assist with renaming exercises and maintaining more specific transformation situations such as relationship classes, views and editing permission retention.
Within the world of Esri there may be extended requirements after the datasets have been transformed. Existing dataset sources may break especially if the database is different or the datasets name has changed.
Not to forget the open-source world that utilize programs such as QGIS which may need layer sources to be updated in QGIS projects. We have experience in this domain also including use of geopackages.
Get in contact with us today to discuss your requirements and plan when migrating from GDA94 to GDA2020!
After all that heavy business, we’ll leave you with a little levity…
comic from xkcd.com
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