Tag Archive for: Blog

8 of the Best Data Visualisation Platforms

There has never been such a rich array of free data visualisation platforms to illustrate data stories. Here are some of the best platforms in 2020.

SV Maps Goes Digital

We’ve gone digital! All SV Maps products are now available to download through the Avenza Maps Platform. Digital maps for iOS and Android – learn more.

Planning for Climate Change: An Evidence-Based Approach

For generations, Australians have witnessed and endured the harsh realities of our landscape. From unrelenting droughts to catastrophic bushfires, the country is no stranger to extreme weather.
However, with the frequency and severity of these extreme weather events predicted to increase in the near future, it’s important now more than ever to address key questions of how we can better prepare for them and how can we learn from these events to mitigate consequences into the future.

Python Whitebox Tools Demo

When talking about 3D data we often think about high end fancy visualizations that give that wow factor where you can barely tell the difference between what is real and what is digital. In the spatial sciences industry we are not normally concerned with the Ultra High Definition graphics, Ray Tracing, and photorealistic texturing; normally we settle for much less because we only need the basics for analysis…

Timely Wildfire and Climate Change Forum

A key theme for most speakers was the need to prepare for change, particularly the role climate change will play in the fire regime changes such areas are likely to experience in the future.  And yes, climate change is a key driver behind the recent west coast fires in the USA, not just poor forest management.

Tsunami of Data for Local Government

There has never been a more interesting time to be involved in Local Government GIS, especially in Victoria.
There is a Tsunami of new spatial data becoming available to Local Governments that may open up opportunities for delivering more spatially intelligent and reliable services.
Graeme Martin recently spoke about the challenges, opportunities and possible responses to the initiatives cropping up, and collaborative approaches to making the most of this transformative time.

A Disastrous Bushfire Season Highlights the Need for Reliable Information

Bushfires are synonymous with the history of Australia, pre and post European settlement. Clearly this bushfire season has been unprecedented in severity, duration and extent.

Queensland was first impacted by severe bushfires in August 2019. Prolonged drought and strong positive Indian Ocean Dipole-influenced weather conditions kicked the QLD season off earlier than usual.

Becoming a Pro at ArcGIS Pro

After years of working with the ArcGIS Suite, I thought I’d be all over the ‘new and improved’ Esri ArcGIS interface, ArcGIS Pro. However, to my surprise, Arc Pro took a fair bit longer than I expected to learn all the nuances and fully appreciate the benefits that the software really has to offer over ArcMap. Although it would be impossible to fit it all in this one blog, I’ve compiled a few ArcGIS Pro Tips and Tricks that I pulled directly out of the Transition to ArcGIS Pro training course I recently conducted at our office here at Spatial Vision.