Spatial Vision developed a spatial framework for Victoria’s Open Space Strategy 2021 to guide investment priorities and funding to improve metropolitan Melbourne’s open space actions supporting biodiversity, climate resilience, health and social-economic benefits.

The Victorian Government Open Space Strategy 2021 for metropolitan Melbourne, developed in response to Plan Melbourne 2017–2050, aims to enhance the integrated open space network over the next 30 years. The Victorian Government’s strategy aligns with the broader vision for liveable, inclusive, and sustainable communities.

Prepared following a comprehensive review of global, state, and local policies, the strategy sets out a review and reform agenda to address new challenges working with multiple agencies and stakeholders.

With goals spanning improved;

  • community health and wellbeing,
  • biodiversity,
  • climate change resilience, and
  • economic and social benefits,

The strategy envisions a connected, immersive, and shared network through planning and investment to protect, optimise, and grow the open space network.

To help deliver these goals, a 30-year investment framework was proposed to help outline multi decision making criteria, provide metrics to quantify and measure progress, and to prioritise investments in open space under the four main goals.