Case Study: Hoddle Grid Heritage Review

The City of Melbourne (CoM) engaged Spatial Vision alongside three heritage consultancies (Context, Ochre Imprints, On Country Heritage and Consulting) to provide a comprehensive review of heritage buildings in the Hoddle Grid. Through thematic and spatial analysis, the CoM gained a richer and more nuanced understanding of the cultural heritage that exists throughout the urban landscape of the central city.

Case Study: Climate Change and Extreme Weather – Using Spatial Data for Impact & Consequence Case Studies

The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) and the Barwon Regional Partnership Councils engaged Spatial Vision to help build their capacity in the application of spatial technologies to better plan for and understand the consequences of anticipated climate change and associated extreme weather events for their communities.

Case Study: National Heavy Vehicle Regulator

The NHVR engaged Spatial Vision to develop a strategy for better understanding and realising the opportunities to leverage geospatial data and technologies.

Case Study: KM2ME Mobile Application

Spatial Vision developed a new, user-friendly mobile application KM2ME to support ARTC staff in managing maintenance activities across the rail network. The GPS-based solution is embedded with up-to-date data references to assist users in accurately locating their position along the rail network, and allows users to track and record maintenance works at their precise location.

Case Study: 1800 My Options

Spatial Vision designed and developed a web mapping application for the 1800 My Options service, in partnership with Women’s Health Victoria. The application maps and organises registered contraception, pregnancy options and sexual health service providers based on the type of provider, the services offered and other key search criteria to assist women in accessing those services as per their individual needs.

Case Study: Victoria Unearthed

The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) commissioned Spatial Vision to implement a web-mapping tool which provides information about potential land and groundwater contamination and historical business listings.

Case Study: Wine Australia Digitised Wine Region Boundaries

The North East Catchment Management Authority engaged Spatial Vision to model and spatially represent changes in key climatic factors, agricultural productivity and water balance.

Case Study: Groundwater Resource Report Tool Update

The Groundwater Resource Report tool is a customised mapping tool that enables land owners and other groundwater users to locate aquifer informaiton for any acquifer in Victoria.

Case Study: Embedding Climate Adaptation in Agriculture in North East Victoria

The North East Catchment Management Authority engaged Spatial Vision to model and spatially represent changes in key climatic factors, agricultural productivity and water balance.

Case Study: Cooling the City Pilot Project

The Urban Sustainability brand within the City of Melbourne required a pilot project to analyse and map the thermal comfort for pedestrian routes.