Case Study: Drone Rules Map

In early 2024, Spatial Vision was contracted by the Australian Government to improve the representation and management of drone rules across Australia to ensure clear and accurate communication to the public.

Case Study: Enterprise Spatial Data Platform Transformation

As part of the larger Enterprise Spatial Platform, Spatial Vision was able to test and develop the metadata platform Metashare in collaboration with DEECA and CSIRO. The finished platform is a modern metadata portal that will be used by Victorian government stakeholders for years to come.

GIS Service Plan – Melton City Council

Melton City Council engaged Spatial Vision to develop a GIS service plan including review of its existing operational work needs.

Case Study: NPWS Procurement Roadmap

Spatial Vision conducted extensive consultation to gather requirements, enabling NPWS to confidently go to market to select a vendor that could meet their needs for Elements 2, their modernised Bushfire Readiness system.

Case Study: SPREP MMEL Climate Resilience Support Tool

Working alongside Samoan local partner, SkyEye, Spatial Vision created an online tool to assist Pacific Islander people locate a range of climate resources specific to their needs.

Case Study: Climate Heat Map of Australia

Spatial Vision’s interactive Climate Heat Map of Australia developed for the Climate Council projects the likelihood of extreme heat days under various emission scenarios across the entire country.

Case Study: Migratory Birds as Connectivity Indicators

Connectivity is widely used in government biodiversity policy, but there is limited linkage between models and field evidence. Spatial Vision’s insights into the validation of the NSW DCCEEW Biodiversity Indicator Program’s connectivity layer addressed challenges determining whether migratory birds align with identified connectivity pathways.

Case Study: Melbourne Metropolitan Open Space 30–Year Investment Opportunities Framework

Victoria’s Open Space Strategy 2021 for metropolitan Melbourne required Spatial Vision to develop a spatial framework to inform investment priorities and funding for open space actions supporting biodiversity, climate resilience, health and social-economic benefits.

Case Study: Enhancing Climate Resilience

The South East Councils Climate Change Alliance (SECCCA) engaged Spatial Vision to undertake an asset vulnerability assessment on selected assets and a financial review to assist member councils in better understanding and planning for the likely impacts of anticipated climate change.

Case Study: City of Kingston Geospatial Strategy

City of Kingston requested support from Spatial Vision in the development of a Geospatial Strategy to more effectively utilise geospatial information in decision making.