Climate Action Barometer – Taking the pulse of Australian Readiness

Many organisations and governments are increasingly focused on understanding the impacts of climate-related risks. From our perspective at Spatial Vision, we’ve worked closely with numerous organisations over the past 20 years, gaining valuable insights into how assessing climate change has helped shape their strategies and operations.

New Australian Sustainability Reporting Standards

The introduction of the Australian Sustainability Reporting Standards (ASRS) from 2025 will require many more companies to consider climate-related risks and opportunities on their financial, operational and strategic direction. Those who contribute to a supply chain, may be at increased exposure and have pressure placed upon them to fulfil the needs of reporting entities.

However, the broader question is, how prepared are Australian organisations for climate-related risks.

Planning for change – our initiative

It is clear that many organisations are already dealing with climate risks at an operational level but what about strategically? Have they considered the potential impacts of more extreme weather events on the market landscape, access to raw materials, supply chains, access to capital and brand reputation.

We’ve been discussing this challenge with our networks and they’ve expressed a desire for guidance and insight on how to approach planning and preparation. There appears to be an absence of support and or a pulse, of how organisations are developing a more strategic lens on climate-related risk and how confident they are that they’ve got accurate data to inform decisions. This is why we’ve decided to take the initiative.

Why Spatial Vision? Why develop a Climate Action Barometer?

Spatial Vision believes there is an immediate need and value in developing a perspective of organisational readiness – it is a matter of national interest to support the life blood of our economy and help them tackle the far-reaching effects of climate changes.

From our 25 years experience, we know it takes time to establish your risk profile – to fully understand the potential and real risks created by climate-related impact, either small or significant. Until you complete an assessment, you are really flying blind and impacting your business sustainability or potentially missing out on opportunities.

What’s required to complete the Climate Action Barometer survey?

The survey can be completed by those with a reasonable understanding of their organisation’s strategy and operations. It will help if you know of past and potential exposure to climate-related impact. But having said that, if you have an appetite for more knowledge in this area, you can collaborate with your peers and colleagues to gather sufficient information to apply your best guess – the survey is designed to be thought provoking and encourage discussion.

The survey covers three themes:

1. Impacts of climate change

2. Climate readiness

3. Governance arrangements

Impacts of climate change

In this section we ask if your organisation has been impacted by extreme climate events in the past 10 years and the ensuing consequences. When we consider future scenarios, the climate data tells us we can assume more extreme versions of the past. So based on your past experiences, has your organisation considered changes to business operations and learnt how to adapt to the future?

We also ask if you are aware of the Australian Government’s National Climate Risk Assessment program. It is a valuable resource that presents a number of scenarios that should be considered in future planning.

Climate readiness

This section digs a little deeper on where your organisation stands in its climate preparedness journey. Eight core factors are presented for consideration and we ask you to rate your level of preparedness for each. These factors are not specific to regulatory requirements but they are climate-related impacts that will present to a greater effect over the coming years.

We also appreciate that addressing climate-related risks may not currently be high on the agenda of Directors and Board, and resources may be scarce, so we ask if you’re currently facing roadblocks in your readiness and resilience building journey.

Government arrangements

The level of engagement at a senior level is paramount to gaining sufficient attention and support across an organisation at all levels – it’s also a requirement for the upcoming legislation. We ask you to confirm the current level of sponsorship and commitment from leaders regarding climate risk consideration, strategy and reporting.

In the final section, we aim to gather firmographic data to enable segmentation of responses. This will allow us to apply various lenses to the insights, adding relevancy for segments that are adequately represented.

We believe that the Climate Barometer report will offer unique insights to both participants and industry bodies on the state of readiness of their sector.

Be part of this critical conversation

Complete the Climate Action Barometer survey today

and take a proactive step toward a sustainable, resilient future.

To download a copy of the Climate Barometer Report:

Take a proactive step toward a sustainable, resilient future.

For over 20 years, we have helped organisations assess,  understand and act on the vulnerability of their operations, assets and communities.

Spatial Vision is a privately owned Australian company committed to paving the way to a positive future. If you represent an industry sector, please contact us to discuss ways that we can help you promote the survey to your members and share the subsequent insights.

Data security and privacy are important to us. Data recorded in each completed survey will be aggregated to ensure anonymity of participants.

If you agree to receive a copy of the Climate Action Barometer Report we will record your email address.

We will only send you Spatial Vision marketing material if you consent to this when we send the report.

We will maintain your contact data and follow up in 12 months to ask you to participate in the 2025 survey. You can unsubscribe at any time. 

Over the past decade, climate-related hazards have increasingly disrupted organisational operations, leading to significant financial and operational challenges.

Our recent survey highlights that while the majority of participating organisations have commenced their climate readiness journey to address the climate-related risks, most are still in the planning stages and encounter substantial barriers such as budget constraints, limited resources, and inadequate data.

How prepared are Australian organisations for climate-related risks?