Announcing the 2024 candidate for our Pacific Islands Geospatial Skills Development Program

Spatial Vision is pleased to announce the successful 2024 candidate for our Pacific Islands Geospatial Skills Development Program, ‘Ofa Masiwawa from Tonga. Over the next three months, we’ll support her to achieve her goal of improving resilience in her home country.

Recipient of the International Partnership Award by Geospatial Council of Australia Excellence Awards 2024 

‘Ofa works in disaster management and has played pivotal roles in supporting operations after Tropical Cylone Gita in 2018 and the 2022 volcanic eruptions. Looking to implement geospatial solutions in disaster management across Tonga, ‘Ofa will work alongside Spatial Vision subject matter experts to broaden her expertise in how to leverage geospatial technology to improve community resilience.

About the program

Spatial Vision’s Geospatial Pacific Islands Skills Development Program will be delivered over 12 weeks and will support ‘Ofa in deepening her skills in spatial science through the delivery of a project combining GIS and disaster management strategies. ‘Ofa has a passion for community-driven solutions and brings hands-on experience in disaster management operations as well as field surveying.

The use of geospatial technologies is growing across the Pacific Islands region, but local resources providing this capability is limited, in part due to limited geospatial tertiary courses on offer in the region and a small workforce.

To help address this issue, the Pacific Islands Geospatial Skills Development Program was established by Spatial Vision in 2023, and provides early career geospatial professionals (or aspiring geospatial professionals) from the Pacific Islands, with the ability to deepen their geospatial knowledge and learn new skills whilst working alongside subject matter experts from Australia.

Candidates must select a project in the area of climate / environment, sustainability or community, and must articulate why their chosen project topic is important to making a difference in their country.

The program is completely funded by Spatial Vision with the following objectives:

  • Provide mentoring and coaching to a geospatial professional in order to enhance their skillset, bringing back to their country skills and experience not otherwise accessible
  • Strengthen ties between the Pacific Islands and Australia
  • Empower individuals to raise the profile of geospatial in their home country
  • Improve career prospects for program candidates
  • Provide a unique learning experience
  • Support the socialisation of project outcomes at senior government levels to raise awareness of the power of geospatial.

Spatial Vision is excited to build on this program and support ‘Ofa in bringing about positive change in her home country of Tonga. For more information on 2023 program outcomes visit:

pacific program tonga